Hello SSCV U14 Team

Registration for the Breckenridge GS races is due tomorrow.  This is done online at My USSA.  Click here for the information/fact sheet.  The training scheduled for Friday is part of the competition and a requirement for participation in the 3 races on Saturday and Sunday.

SSCV will not be offering transportation to this event.  Please arrange to arrive in time to meet coaches at the Quicksilver 6-Pack Chairlift at 8:15 on Friday.  Coaches will load the lift at that time to head up the hill for inspection of the course.  The daily schedule is not yet posted, but our team will plan on skiing until the lifts close at Breckenridge.  This means bring SG race skis and also free skiing skis in the event that there is free time in the schedule to explore Breckenridge skiing.

This event will include the training run and three race runs if all goes as planned.

Please remember to sign the online athlete waiver, a requirement for participation.

Terry DelliQuadri

Ski and Snowboard Club Vail
598 Vail Valley Drive
Vail Colorado 81657



Hello Breckenridge SG racers

I apologize if you get this and are not racing SG, but I can’t filter the email list.

That was a long day, but a good day for our U14s I think.  We seem to be comfortable on the SG skis, now we just need to work on finding speed.  I’m uploading video on Sprongo, which is taking awhile.  If you watch this kids please look at how some of you ski loopy turns, round and about turns and some are more in a hurry to get on the top of the next turn, more pressuring the skis in the fall line.  Be in a hurry to get to the top of the next turn instead of looping the bottom of the old turn.  Think of those brushes we ski over in GS training and don’t hang on to that old turn, no matter where you are, get over that old turn and take it DOWN THE HILL.

Tomorrow’s schedule is the same as today, 8:15 lift for an 8:30 inspection.  Please be on time.  The race schedule will be similar to today, but the girls will get two races and the boys only one race.  This will be the opposite on Sunday.

Ski Fast!!!

Terry DelliQuadri

Ski and Snowboard Club Vail

598 Vail Valley Drive

Vail Colorado 81657



Hello SSCV U14 Team

Thanks to coach Nate Bryant we’ve finally compiled the scoring for the SkillQuest One Ski skiing which we completed awhile ago.  These scores are an average of scoring by our 7 U14 primary coaches, me and Alpine Director, Karen Ghent.

Click here for the results, ranked in order of average Left and Right leg scores. Please note any discrepencies side to side and make a note that you need to work on your weak side.  Actually we all need to work on this skiil, which is basic balance.   Click here for the SkillsQuest scoring guide-you’ll see most of you have not yet mastered this fundamental skill.

Every run is on Sprongo:

We’ll be completing more SkillQuest trials in the coming weeks.


Terry DelliQuadri

Ski and Snowboard Club Vail

598 Vail Valley Drive

Vail Colorado 81657




Hello SSCV U14 Team

This might be a long email, I’ll apologize at the start.

I am still waiting on a few scoring sheets from judges (coaches) for our SkillQuest Assessment – GS Turns in Moguls.  I will publish the scores as soon as I get the results put together.  If you are wondering why we did this, the #1 reason is we want our U14s to be fundamentally strong skiers.  Fundamentally strong skiers have no problem skiing GS turns through moguls.  In fact, at the US U16 Championships the US Ski Team coaches spend an entire day scoring all the participants in free skiing in different terrain, different turn shapes, etc.  The scores for the free skiing are weighted evenly with the GS and SL race results and the SkillsQuest Assessments in naming the National Training Groups for the different age groups.  All skiing for the assessments is done on GS skis.

Here is some video from last years’ U16 Championships:

GS turns in ½ tracked pow

And from the Spring 2012 Championships on nasty, icy, frozen moguls, pretty steep pitch (you can see the US Ski Team coaches who are doing the judging):

So we will keep working on this free skiing.  The US Ski Team actually recommends 60% of training for our age group to be free skiing.  My plan is to follow those guidelines.  On Sunday we ran what we called the Epic Vertical Challenge, a contest using the Epic pass vertical tracking feature to see which group could ski the most vertical.  Congratulations to Scott’s group for skiing almost 45,000 feet vertical.  Their prizes were Beaver Creek World Cup bibs.

Our gate training this week is set up on the Black Forest venue.  The slalom training this morning was actually pretty good.  The reason I chose to take our training there is due to the congestion on Gold Peak with the Nor Am competitions taking place and a very small training area.  The Black Forest turns out to be a pretty good venue for slalom and we will see about GS tomorrow.  With such a large group we really need at least two courses for training and would not be able to get that on Gold Peak this week.

Starting last weekend Chair 6 is opening at 8:30.  We’re trying to load right as the lift opens.  Please arrive a little early to be ready to go at 8:30.  I’ve changed the meeting time on the calendar for this week to 8:15, just as a reminder.  This morning we still had kids getting ready at 8:50 for our 8:30 training.

Thursday we will be free skiing on GS skis and doing some practice of the SkillsQuest Assessment, One Ski Skiing (for info click here).  If you want to know about this assessment, please visit this site:

We will run this assessment after GS training on Friday.  Please note, that day we will finish early, 1:00.

We have 7 days of training and then 3 days off for Christmas.

On December 29 we will have a SG time trial.  This time trial will be used as part of the selection for a race we’ll be taking 5 boys and 5 girls to at Jackson Hole in January.  The other 1/2 of the selection will be the Age Class GS races in Beaver Creek.

Click here for the info sheet for that race.  This will be our only racing out of RMD until possibly Can Ams in the Spring for a few athletes.   Anyone not going to the race will of course have regularly scheduled training at home.  We will travel as a team to this event.

Please feel free to contact me with any questions about anything.

Happy Holidays!


Terry DelliQuadri

Ski and Snowboard Club Vail

598 Vail Valley Drive

Vail Colorado 81657



 U14 UPDATE-12/11/13

Hello SSCV U14

After three days on the Birds Of Prey track I think every athlete is more comfortable at speed.  We still need some work on our movement over terrain.  This is important in every event!
I’ve uploaded some video from the Golden Eagle jump.  I missed some athletes and some athlete were sectioning, so they weren’t going over that jump.
I also uploaded a video of Proper Jump Preparation and movement.  Please watch this!
Tomorrow we are free skiing on GS skis.  We will actually run a SkillsQuest test, “Free Skiing Through Moguls”.  So remember GS skis.
I hope everyone got the message that we’ve changed to only Tuesday and Thursday conditioning.  This is at the request of the Peak Performance trainers.
Please bring training journals tomorrow to the VSSA conditioning.  Peak Performance sports psychologists will be working with some of our athletes there.
Hope everyone had fun going fast!

Terry DelliQuadri

Ski and Snowboard Club Vail
598 Vail Valley Drive
Vail Colorado 81657

Alpine U14 Team News-November 13, 2014-U14 Team Looking Ahead

Hello SSCV U14 Team

This is a mass email using addresses from the SSCV U14 Full Time database.  Sorry for the length.
Today will be our 13th day on snow for the season.  I think we’ve had a great start and am excited about how all the U14s are skiing.  
I have started a new Sprongo team page for our U14s.  Many requests are going in to join last year’s U14 Sprongo team page.  You can join that old page for nostalgic reasons, but all new videos will be uploaded to the team page for SSCV U14 2013-2104.  Search on Sprongo for SSCV U14 to join. 
Please note on the training schedule that Saturday we have Slalom training.  There is a required safety meeting at 11:15 so the athletes need to be booted up and ready to go by that time.  We can load the lift at 11:30.  We will ski some tall gates so protection is needed.  We will ski until the lift closes at 4:30, pick-up between 4:45 and 5:00.
Sunday is GS training and the Secret Race.  I’ve been hearing about some anxiety over the secret race.  Please understand that we’re participating in this November race to practice the routine of racing.  We’re not going to use the results for any ranking, selections or anything.  The routine we want to practice is the inspection, getting to the start at the correct time, start routine, race focus, dealing with the anxiety of competition, skiing for speed not just technique, etc.  The truth is we’ve already had a practice race when we ran duals last weekend.  I snuck this competition in on the kids and they thrived, had fun and want to do it again.  We did not “keep score” but the kids were racing.  Hopefully we can have the same intensity and fun doing the secret race.  We will have training ongoing when the kids are not secretly racing or inspecting.  
Next week we return to the normal morning program.  Please note that we have Super G training scheduled all three mornings.  Please get the SG equipment ready ahead of time to avoid last minute mayhem.  Dryland sessions will be held at both VSSA and VMS after school on training days.
I’ve had a bunch of questions about the training journals.  Some kids have told me that they don’t have time.  These journals have been supplied as tools for each athlete in their quest to improve.  All top athletes keep journals or have training notes logged for them by coaches or trainers.  The USST logs every training session for every athlete online.  I will not be checking these journals and don’t care what they write or how much they write.  They can take them to school and doodle pictures of powder skiing in them if they want.  But this is a tool that we want them to use.  Coaches will be continually talking about writing in those journals, during video sessions, chalk talks, etc.  They can look at their notes when watching video on Sprongo at home.  Please support the good habit of having a training journal.
I’ve rented Dobson Arena for another session of Pond Hockey.  This will be 5:00 to 6:00 on November 30.  Cost will be $8, includes rental skates.  Please arrive early 4:30/4:45 to get the skates.  Please bring you own helmets and any hockey sticks that you may have laying around.  The rink only has about 20 sticks and we’ll need more than that.  Excess money collected will be used to lower the price for future pond hockey sessions.  
Thanksgiving week we are off from Tuesday – Sunday.  This is a great chance to spend time with family, ski with family and friends, watch the World Cup races, ski more.  Coaches will all be working on race crew for the World Cup races.  The first week of December we will have full days of training, hopefully some free skiing on the mountain and training blocks on Gold Peak.  That weekend really want the kids to get up to Beaver Creek and watch the World Cup races.  No training scheduled.
Feel free to contact me with any questions.

Terry DelliQuadri

Ski and Snowboard Club Vail
598 Vail Valley Drive
Vail Colorado 81657


Hello SSCV U14-

We are confirmed for a Sports Psychology session with Peak Performance staff at the Manor Vail Lodge at 10:00 tomorrow.  Please have the athletes bring their training journals.
This session runs until 11:00.  We will have a Safety Briefing at 11:15 and ski from 11:30 to 4:30.  Pick up at the SSCV Clubhouse 5:00.
Slalom skis, we’ll be running panel slalom courses, so wear protection.
Wear sunscreen, bring snack and water to the lift because this is a long session.

Terry DelliQuadri



Hello SSCV Part Time Team,

This email is going out to an address list created by our online system. If an address needs to be added for your family, you would need to do that by going online at, moving down to the bottom left of the first page and selecting MY SSCV LOGIN, then editing your information.
We’re close to getting on snow.  You can check the U14 Part Time Calendar from the same SSCV Web page, just select PROGRAMS, then ALPINE  and then the drop down list CALENDARS.
You will see looking at the calendar that we’ve got training scheduled starting on November 22, with a parent meeting that evening.  That meeting will probably be at the SSCV Clubhouse but I’ll confirm that later.
Until we start, many ski areas are open so get out there and get in some miles on the snow.

Terry DelliQuadri

Ski and Snowboard Club Vail
598 Vail Valley Drive
Vail Colorado 81657



Hello U14 Full Time Program

I’ve just updated the U14 schedule on the google calendar for this weekend.

On Saturday we’ve added a Sports Psychology workshop with Peak Performance staff.  This session will be on the use of IMAGERY in our training and competition. This will be from 10:00 to 11:00.  U14s need to bring their training journals.

Hopefully we’ll have a room at Manor Vail for this session, but as of right now the location is TBD.

On Sunday the morning session is too crowded with national teams and other teams training side-by-side courses to really have effective training for us.  We will have training space from 11:30 to 4:30 and the hill will be less crowded at that time.  So we will need U14s at the clubhouse at 11:00.

This is a change from the calendar which was up previously.

I’ve put a bunch of videos up on SPRONGO.  So far it looks like not even 1/2 of our team has access to these videos (by joining our Sprongo Team).  If your U14 is in this category please get them set up with an account.   We will also be going over video with each athlete individually every week, but getting on the Sprongo website gives everyone access to what we shoot.  If you don’t know what I’m talking about with SPRONGO, please get in touch with me.

So far we’re off to an excellent start to the season.  I am very excited.


Terry DelliQuadri