There are several staffing changes and additions at Ski and Snowboard Club Vail. Although unfortunate for SSCV, Nigel Cooper has recently accepted a wonderful opportunity as Program Director for BC Alpine, the Provincial governing body for Ski Racing in British Columbia. This prestigious position allows Nigel to return home to Canada to be closer to friends and family. Nigel will be located in Vancouver, BC and work together with the 40 ski clubs in the province and provide support and leadership to hundreds of coaches and thousands of athletes. While we are sorry to lose Nigel on a full-time basis after 3 successful years broadening SSCV’s fundraising efforts and improving the visibility of our organization and events throughout the community, we are pleased that we have retained Nigel part time to continue to work in the areas of Corporate Sponsorships and Alumni Relations for SSCV. Nigel will be in Vail several times through the winter including our upcoming Celebration of Winter.
Assuming many of Nigel’s fundraising roles will be Emmy Hoyt who has been promoted to the position of Development Manager. Emmy will be working with our volunteer fundraising committees and myself in all of SSCV’s fundraising efforts in the three specific areas of Annual, Scholarship and Capital fundraising.
Joining the Leadership Team of Human Performance Director John Cole, Academic Director Geoffrey Grimmer and myself as Executive Director is Tiffany Hoversten who will be responsible for Administration. Tiffany has received a promotion to the position of CFO and Business Manager and is responsible for finance and the business activities of SSCV.
The admin. team has increased by one with the addition of Anne Baronous who will be at the front desk at the Golden Peak Clubhouse and serving as the volunteer coordinator for all events and other volunteer activities. The remainder of the SSCV admin. staff will be found at the Minturn Campus on all school days and during the off-season and will be at the Golden Peak Clubhouse in-season on week-ends and holidays. Monday remains the day off for all SSCV staff from October 15 to April 15.
In order to serve 140 student/athletes, 15 teachers and 30 SSCV staff based at Vail Ski & Snowboard Academy in Minturn, SSCV has introduced a daily Training Table lunch program prepared by chef Lauren Lange. Trained at the Culinary Institute of Minneapolis, Lauren is a sought after Private Chef and caterer who previously worked as the Banquet Chef at Grouse Mountain Grill and Head Chef at Trapper’s Cabin; both in Beaver Creek. Lauren and her volunteer assistants are preparing meals daily that are made from fresh, local ingredients, focused on meeting the nutritional needs of our athletes and that are just plain delicious! This service is offered to student/athletes and staff on a fee basis at the academy dining hall.
Another new service is the expansion of the SSCV Pro Shop. Managing the Pro Shop is CB Bechtel who has joined the SSCV staff following 9 years as Program Director of the Loveland Racing Club. Additionally, CB is a full time Alpine J4 Coach along with managing the Golden Peak training and competition venue. Recently hired as Pro Shop Technician is Chris Taylor. With a wealth of tuning and bootfitting experience Chris and his staff will provide world class equipment services on a fee basis to SSCV membership. Chris has nearly 20 years of experience working for Fischer, Atomic, Salomon, the Canadian Ski Cross and Snowboardcross Teams and many top ski and snowboard athletes in Alpine Racing, Snowboardcross and Half-Pipe, Ski Half-Pipe and Skier X. Among the accomplishments of his athletes are Olympic and Winter X medals, World Cup wins and countless other podiums around the world. He brings the unique combination of high level competition tuning and waxing, as well as, experience with the world’s most sophisticated tuning machinery as Wintersteiger’s Race Tuning Trainer.
The Pro Shop will provide tuning, stone grinding, repairs, etc. on an a la carte basis along with full season/full service technician programs for SSCV athletes. Season long tuning and ski storage options are available with a variety of options to meet any need. The goal of the Pro Shop Programs is to provide superior convenience and quality at a below retail cost to our members. More information, subscription options, price lists and enrollment procedures will be available soon.
As snowmaking operations on Golden Peak have begun and several Colorado resorts have opened for the season, the winter will be soon coming at us full speed!
See you on the snow!
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