Lyle Shipp with Ski and Snowboard Club Vail skates through a flat section during a 10K individual freestyle race at Gold Run Nordic Center on Dec. 17. Phil Lindeman / plindeman@summitdaily.com

A trio of skiers led by Naomi Harding of Ski and Snowboard Club Vail (148) hammer into the finish line during a women’s 10K individual freestyle race at Gold Run Nordic Center on Dec. 17. Phil Lindeman / plindeman@summitdaily.com
Freestyle Individual Start, Dec. 17, Gold Run Nordic Center
Senior Females
5th Hannah Hardenbergh
Females U18
2nd Madeline Donovan
6th Naomi Harding
7th Katja Freeburn
9th Gracie Shanley
15th Emma Blakslee
17th Lyle Shipp
25th Sarah Smith
26th Gaja Wilson
Females U16
2nd Elizabeth Harding
3rd Molly Blakslee
5th Bridget Donovan
8th Sharon Seabury
10th Grace Johnson
13th Sophia Grewal
14th Madilyn Bennett
15th Hayley Diemar
Females U14
2nd Haley Brewster
4th Katy Jane Hardenbergh
6th Emma Reeder
11th Elsa Perkins
13th Allison Bennett
24th Courtney Diemar
Females U12
3rd Isabel Glackin
5th Cora Wilson
11th Madelyn Haerter
Females U10
2nd Lucy Perkins
Freestyle Individual Start, Dec. 17, Gold Run Nordic Center
Senior Males
1st Cal Deline
7th Parker McDonald
Males U20
7th Eric Zdechlik
Males U18
5th Franklin Reilly
7th Collin Wilson
9th Cameron Wolfe
12th Marcus Gore
13th Christopher Seabury
14th Nolan Herzog
17th Christian Wilson
19th Peter Littmen
21st Nick Iskenderian
24th Nicholas Apps
26th Sam Brown
28th Conner McCabe
29th Nathaniel Badger
Males U16
4th Andrew Rogers
10th Ian Hardenbergh
25th Declan Gore
Males U14
8th Conner Larson
9th Ian Rogers
11th Vlad shambarger
13th Dimitri Grewal
24th Brody Nielsen
27th Jackie woods
Males U12
2nd Conner Wilson
6th Reinecker schmidt
7th Evan Sapp
12th Trevor Donovan
18th Hunter Iverson
22nd Finn Sullivan
25th Jackson Bumgardner
Classic Mass Start, Dec. 18, Gold Run Nordic Center
Senior Females
4th Hannah Hardenbergh
Females U18
3rd Madeline Donovan
4th Gracie Shanley
7th Naomi Harding
8th Katja Freeburn
14th Emma Blakslee
17th Lyle Shipp
Females U16
1st Bridget Donovan
3rd Elizabeth Harding
5th Sharon Seabury
6th Sophia Grewal
8th Molly Blakslee
11th Grace Johnson
19th Hayley Diemar
21st Madilyn Bennett
Females U14
1st Katy Jane Hardenbergh
5th Haley Brewster
8th Emma Reeder
9th Allison Bennett
16th Elsa Perkins
26th Courtney Diemar
Females U12
4th Isabel Glackin
6th Cora Wilson
Females U10
1st Lucy Perkins
Classic Mass Start, Dec. 18, Gold Ryn Nordic Center
Senior Males
3rd Cal Deline
8th Parker McDonald
Males U20
3rd Eric Zdechlik
Males U18
1st Nolan Herzog
5th Franklin Reilly
6th Cameron Wolfe
8th Collin Wilson
13th Marcus Gore
15th Christian Wilson
17th Christopher Seabury
18th Peter Littmen
23rd Nick Iskenderian
24th Conner McCabe
25th Nicholas Apps
27th Sam Brown
30th Nathaniel Badger
Males U16
3rd Ian Hardenbergh
5th Andrew Rogers
20th Declan Gore
Males U14
12th Vlad shambarger
11th Dimitri Grewal
13th Ian Rogers
14th Conner Larson
24th Brody Nielsen
Males U12
6th Conner Wilson
10th Evan Sapp
11th Trevor Donovan
14th Jack Diemar
15th Reinecker schmidt
20th Finn Sullivan
23rd Jackson Bumgardner
24th Hunter Iverson
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