Championship season is upon us. It is time for the season’s ‘BIG’ events. In theory we are well practiced, decently rested and ready for the challenges that lie ahead. We look back on the season with confidence for the steps taken and the progress made. It is a time to live out the true meaning of competition to test one’s best against another and see how we stack up. Win or lose we gave it our best. However, this time of year can also be extremely stressful. Athletes, parents and coaches can feel tired from the schedule of the season and mentally fatigued from the stress. Sometimes this looks like decreased motivation, lack of recovery and things just feeling “off.” In these times of high stress it can be easy to pull in and focus more on one’s self. It can be easy to say why is this happening to “me” right now, to hyper focus on the ups and downs of the day. Combine this with the fact that coaches, athletes and parents have been around each other for what feels like 24/7 for the last few months and it can be easy to lose sight of what you value, what you want and what you love. No matter where you are on this continuum of feeling prepared to doubting everything, it can be really helpful to refocus on why you are doing what you are doing, what you love about it, and what you value. You sacrifice for a reason. Use that motivation as power, revisit your love for the sport, who you want to be as a person, and enjoy the battle that lies ahead knowing that no matter what this is (hopefully) right where you want to be.
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