Hi all,
So, we are holding our Avalanche Awareness Series again. The first session will be on Tuesday January 7th, at 7 pm at the Vail Cascade Resort and Spa. Anyone is free to attend. Please bring any friends and family that you want to educate about avalanche safety and awareness. There will be many sponsors including: BCA, Scott, Apex Mountain School, Alpine Quest, Kind Design, Pret and Strafe, Weston Snowboards, Friends of the CAIC, Monster Coats, Paragon Guides, National Ski Patrol, FlyLow, SmartWool, the Vail Cascade Resort and many more. Please share this with any friends. Vendetta’s will be supplying us with Pizza, and there will be a beer special at the Cascade bar for before and after the event.
Thank you for all of your support. Please share the poster with anyone-and hang it up anywhere you can! We appreciate all of the feedback we have gotten, and have had many questions about the series this year. Looking forward to seeing everyone there.
At this session, we will have a member of the CAIC speaking about their new web page, and how to interpret it-also about the current conditions as of Tuesday the 7th! Also, some of our very own Vail and Beaver Creek ski patrollers will be speaking. We will be holding 3 on snow sessions for those who attend the series and are interested in expanding their knowledge on avalanche education-this year!
Please park in the Vail Cascade parking lot, or on the North Side of the S. Frontage Road. Come early to check out our sponsors! Also, many free prizes will be given away. Tune into Vail Ski Patrol’s facebook page for any additional questions.
See you there!
Vail and Beaver Creek Ski Patrols
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