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Ski & Snowboard Club Vail Announces January 2023 Character, Courage and Commitment Athlete and Staff Award Winners
SSCV Athletes Showout at the CO MTB League: Showdown in the Boat - Yampa Cycling Race -- By Olivia Lyda
SSCV Athletes Bested Bikers at the First CO MTB League: Frisco Bay Invitational Cycling Race -- By Olivia Lyda
SSCV Athletes Thrived on the course at the CO MTB League: Cloud City Challenge - Yampa -- By Olivia Lyda
2022 Vail Bike Swap presented by SSCV and The Kind Bikes and Skis -- By Olivia Lyda
SSCV Athletes Cycling Swiftly at Vail Recreation District’s Davos Dash, Vail Bike Swap Supporting the Team on August 13th -- By Olivia Lyda