In a recent letter from the President of the Outdoor Industries Women’s Coalition it was announced that SSCV Freeride/Snowboard Program Director Elana Chase has won the OIWC 2011 Pioneering Women Award for the Snow Industry!  The Outdoor Industries Women’s Coalition created the Pioneering Woman Award to honor women in the outdoor industry who have furthered the vision of the OIWC by demonstrating an outstanding commitment to mentoring female colleagues.
Chase was were nominated by Jen Hudak, Re Wikstrom, and Anna Segal.  Here is part of one of their nominations:

“Elana Chase has been a coach and mentor to women skiers for the last decade. Many a female freeskier, can thank Elana for her coaching, mentorship, and her vision in 2001 for the future of skiing halfpipe and slopestyle.”

As the winner will attend the OIWC award presentation on January 28th at the SIA Tradeshow in Denver.

Congrats Elana!